목회자 청빙

Looking for Senior Pastor


교회(기관) 정보

교회이름 : Sierra Vista Servants of Christ Church

소속교단 : Non-Denominational Reformed

교회주소 : 3814 E. Foothills Drive Sierra Vista, AZ 85635


청빙 내용


(영어권 한인 담임 목사님을 찾습니다)

시에라비스타 주님을 섬기는교회는 담임 목사님을 찾고 있습니다. 우리 교회는 50여명의 성도로 구성되어 있으며, 특정교단에 소속되지 않았고, 개혁적이고 보수 복음주의적인 교회입니다.


  • 영어와 한국어에 능통하고 미국 문화에 대한 이해가 필요합니다
  • 성경 본문과 성경 진리에 따라 가르치고 설교하는 은사가 필요합니다
  • 개혁복음주의적 정규 신학교(M.Div)졸업자를 선호합니다
  • 건강한 인간관계와 진실한 성품의 소유자를 찾습니다
  • 영주권자나  시민권자를 찾습니다

[사역의 책임]

  • 예배 준비
  • 설교 사역
  • 성례 집전
  • 심방 사역
  • 상담 사역
  • 결혼 집례
  • 장례 집례

이력서/개인 정보 양식과 문의사항은 [email protected].으로 보내주세요

Sierra Vista Servants of Christ Church is searching for a bi-lingual English-Korean speaking Senior Pastor whom God has chosen to lead us into the future. We are an Independent-Reformed, American and Korean Congregation of 50 people that is seeking to faithfully make an impact on our city and surrounding area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Although we are an independent congregational church, we are evangelical and Reformed in our beliefs and align in doctrine and practice with the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith, 1689.

The main Sunday morning service is conducted in English.  Wednesday evening services are conducted in Korean with Bible studies and early morning prayer throughout the week conducted in the Korean language as well.

Sierra Vista is located in Southeastern Arizona with a population of around 40,000 and is experiencing growth and increasing cultural diversity.


·       Proficiency in the English and Korean languages and understanding of American culture is required.

·       Gifts of teaching and preaching tied to Scriptural texts and Biblical truths.

·       A reformed background is preferred with an M.Div, or equivalent, from an accredited seminary required.

·       Possess and demonstrate people skills and transparency character traits.

·       Citizenship or permanent residency required.



·       Plan and conduct worship services.

·       Prepare and deliver sermons.

·       Conduct communion and baptisms.

·       Visitation of church members and the community.

·       Conduct counseling sessions.

·       Conduct weddings and funerals.


Please forward resumes/personal information forms and inquiries to [email protected].

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※ ‘제이웹’은 게시물의 내용에 대해 책임을 지지 않습니다. 게시물 내용에 대한 정확성과 신뢰성은 해당기관에 확인하시길 바랍니다.