목회자 청빙

Looking to a Children’s Ministry Director


교회(기관) 정보

교회이름 : Church of the Beloved Seattle

소속교단 : Non-denominational

교회주소 : 1700 NE 28th St Renton, WA 98056


청빙 내용

Children’s Ministry Director

Church of the Beloved (www.cotbeloved.org) is a gospel-centered, mission-focused, church in the Seattle area, that has a heart to reach our community and the next generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are currently looking to hire a full time staff to lead our Children’s Ministry, who has a heart and calling to serve the next generation of children to know and love God.

Responsibilities include:

-Oversee all aspects of the children’s ministry, in line with our church vision, mission and core values.
-Prepare for and lead children’s worship on Sundays, including giving a children’s message.
-Organize Sunday schools classes based on age/grade.
-Recruit for and provide the training and curriculum needed for volunteers to lead the classes.
-Partner with parents so they can continue to teach their children throughout the week.
-Prepare for and lead annual VBS and/or children’s retreat as needed.
-Invest in building strong relationships with the children and their parents.
-Be available when needed for support and prayer.
-Work within team setting and under the direction of the lead pastor.
-Collaborate with staff for special events and services throughout the year.


-Has a clear calling and vision for Children’s ministry
-Exhibits spiritual and emotional maturity.
-Works well in team settings- is humble and servant-hearted.
-Has excellent communication, organizational and planning skills.
-Bachelor’s degree is required.
-Master’s degree in a seminary is preferred but not required.

Compensation and Benefits:

– Salary ($65,000-73,000- based on experience and education)
– Health insurance
– Retirement
– Continuing education expenses
– Ministry expenses

전체 1,745
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