지난 목회자 청빙

Looking to a full-time English Ministry Lead Pastor


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교회(기관) 정보

교회이름 : Valley of Grace Church

소속교단 : Presbyterian

교회주소 : 6515 N. Maroa Ave., Fresno, CA 93704


청빙 내용

About Our Church

Valley of Grace is the English Ministry of the Korean Presbyterian Church of Fresno (KPCF), located in Fresno, CA. Our congregation is a multi-ethnic, intergenerational church whose mission is to raise up Spirit-led disciples of Jesus, empowered by the Gospel, who live missionally by planting house churches in the Valley. The average age ranges from college students to young families. Our strength in ministry is making disciples and modeling life with Christ through House Church (Acts 2:46-47). We are looking to welcome a full-time English Ministry Lead Pastor who will faithfully shepherd our church toward God’s vision, help our church grow dynamically in diversity, and shepherd the growth of our House Church ministry.

Job Duties

Provide biblically-based preaching and teaching through the following avenues:
Sunday worship, special worship such as baptisms, weddings, funeral services, etc.
Leading spiritual formation routine (e.g. Bible study)
Special events such as retreats, etc.
Disciple, equip, and raise up pastoral staff, lay leaders, and volunteers for the work of ministry
Participate as an active member in a House Church
Prayerfully shepherd and adapt the church towards God’s vision
Moderate and lead EM meetings as necessary
Leadership meetings
House Church leaders meeting, etc.
Provide spiritual support, whether through encouragement or rebuke, for the members of EM.
Provide pastoral care (visitations, hospital visits, counseling, etc.) to EM as needed.
Collaborate with other leaders for special events such as annual retreats, revival meetings, etc.
Maintain good communication and rapport with KPCF pastoral and lay leadership.
Keep a minimum of 30 at-office-hours/week (exception of special pastoral occasions such as hospital visitation under the supervision of senior pastor)

Graduated from an accredited seminary (provide copy of M.Div.)
Ordained in a presbytery
Minimum of 3 years of pastoral experience
Fluent in English
Authorized to work in the United States
Passionate about growing an ethnically diverse and intergenerational church body
Heart for sharing the Gospel
Familiarity (or willingness to familiarize self) with the House Church model

Annual compensation range for full-time position depending on experience
Housing allowance
Medical and life insurance benefits
Dental allowance
Required Application Materials

2 videos of recent sermons
Statement of faith
Perspectives on primary and secondary theological/doctrinal issues
(OPTIONAL) 1-2 letters of recommendation
To apply, please email all required application materials to [email protected].

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지역별 청빙 분포율
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