목회자 청빙

아틀란타 제너레이션교회 (담임:류계환목사) InterGen ministry 사역자를 모십니다.


청빙이 마감되었습니다

교회(기관) 정보

교회이름 : Generation Church of Atlanta

소속교단 : Global Methodist Church

교회주소 : Johns Creek, GA, USA


청빙 내용

Generation Church of Atlanta GMC (“GCA” or the “Church”) is a Christ-centered church located in Johns Creek, Georgia. GCA is a newly planted Korean-American church in the heart of North Fulton. The first worship service took place over Thanksgiving with ~80 people. The church officially began giving worship service under the GCA name in December 2023. Currently, registered church members are ~150 people.

GCA stands on the following bedrock: “All generations for Christ; Church for all generations”

Intergenerational ministry seeks to breakdown walls where families can worship together and bring together two or more generations in planned and purposeful settings, where all are mutually invested. We seek to broaden the interpretation of family from a birth family to a spiritual/faith family into which all believers are adopted while creating a sense of community to fulfill respective groups’ needs.


We are seeking an energetic Intergenerational Pastor (“Pastor”) who is passionate about sharing their love of Jesus Christ while inspiring people to follow His way of life. The Pastor will develop ministry programming and discipleship opportunities from youth to adults. The Pastor will work closely with congregation members and other pastoral staff to develop, lead, and supervise all aspects of the ministry. The Pastor will supervise volunteers, programming, curriculum, and special events.


The Pastor should have patience, strong leadership abilities, and be able to connect readily and easily with families in intergenerational ministry. Lastly and most importantly, the candidate should be a visionary and be able to create for our next and growing congregation.



  • Bachelor’s degree in Christian education or a related field is preferred
  • Master of Divinity of an accredited seminary
  • Bilingual – Korean and English
  • Minimum of 10 years of experience in ministry or similar qualifying work experience including children’s and youth ministries
  • Leadership and communication skills necessary to administer all aspects of Intergenerational Ministry
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Creative and able to cast and communicate a vision for the ministry
  • Proficient with media and digital competencies
  • Most important – Love of Jesus Christ and belief in fostering the next generation(s)



  • Full-time staff
  • Compensation package to be discussed includes base salary ($70,000+), paid time off, and other benefits. Reimbursable pastoral care allowance subject to a cap


Please email your resume with references along with a cover letter to [email protected]. If there are any questions, please send to the above email.


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